Mobile E-Commerce PurePicks

A cutting-edge mobile app designed to demystify the complex world of dietary supplements and empower users with personalized, pure supplement recommendations.

PurePicks is a mobile application that stands at the intersection of technology, health, and design excellence. PurePicks’ focus is making health and wellness accessible and personalized. With a user-centric approach, the goal was to demystify the world of dietary supplements, making it easier for everyone to make informed decisions tailored to their unique health needs.

Design Philosophy
Committed to simplicity, clarity, and functionality. I have crafted every element to ensure that users find what they’re looking for and enjoy the journey there. The design ethos embraces minimalism, enabling users to navigate the app intuitively without feeling overwhelmed by information or choices.

Design Process

Phase 1: Discovery and Research (Weeks 1-4)
Objective: Understand user needs, market trends, and technical possibilities.
Week 1: Project kickoff meeting. Define goals, scope, and team roles.
Week 2-3: User research. Conduct surveys, interviews, and competitive analysis.
Week 4: Synthesize research findings. Define user personas and problem statements.

Phase 2: Ideation and Conceptualization (Weeks 5-8)
Objective: Generate and refine ideas to address user needs.
Week 5: Ideation workshops with cross-functional teams.
Week 6: Concept development. Sketching and early wireframing.
Week 7: User flow creation. Define how users navigate through the app.
Week 8: Validate concepts through quick user feedback sessions.

Phase 3: Design (Weeks 9-16)
Objective: Develop detailed designs and interactive prototypes.
Week 9-10: High-fidelity wireframing. Define the visual style guide.
Week 11-12: Interactive prototyping. Begin with core features.
Week 13-14: Usability testing. Conduct sessions and refine designs based on feedback.
Week 15-16: Finalize the design system and prepare design specifications for development.

Phase 4: Development Handoff and Support (Weeks 17-20)
Objective: Ensure a smooth transition from design to development.
Week 17: Development handoff. Share design specifications and assets.
Week 18: Support developers. Answer questions and clarify design intentions.
Week 19-20: Review developed features. Ensure alignment with designs and usability standards.

Key Features

Personalized Recommendations:
Share your health goals, dietary preferences, and any known allergies to receive tailor-made supplement suggestions that align with your wellness journey.

Ingredient Transparency:
Understand what’s in your supplements and why. Our detailed ingredient breakdowns and research-backed information mean you’ll know exactly what you’re consuming and how it benefits you.

Track Your Journey:
Set reminders for your supplement intake and track your progress. With PurePicks, managing your health regimen has never been easier.